Review: My Dark Prince

My Dark Prince My Dark Prince by Parker S. Huntington
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Final Score - 5 Stars!

Okay ... I needed some time with this one, cuz I was/am confused AF. Wasn't this supposed to be about Frankie and Oliver getting together?  Wasn't that the set up of the previous books? Or did I miss something?

In any case, this wasn't about Frankie + Oliver = 4EverAfter, but rather Briar + Oliver and I have to say - I was not onboard for this scenario, at first. It's not that I didn't like their backstory, because I did. They were childhood sweethearts (I adore this genre, and of course they become bitter enemies)! And I totally got where everything went wrong and the fallout that followed afterward.  But ... ALL that was explained in THIS book.  There was no lead up to them. So, of course, I wasn't as emotionally invested in them as I was in Frankie & Oliver getting together. And that messed with me for a minute before I really got into the story ... and then I was hooked.  Parker & LJ sure know how to get me both frustrated and coming back for more.

The more I read Briar's interaction with Oliver and compared them to Frankie's "encounters" with Oliver - it was clear.  For Oliver, it was always going to be Briar.  Sure Frankie and Oliver had playful banter and sizzling chemistry, but she never challenged him. Not the way Briar did. Testing his limits, his patience, his sanity!  And she's no delicate flower, that Briar. She's tough yet compassionate. Strong, yet breakable. Loving and yet fierce.  And I'm SO happy that my "horndog" got his HEA. 

Reading this story was both enlightening and heartbreaking.  These Dark Princes hold a special place in my heart and I just love that the last man standing among them fell the hardest. The surprise of the story was Seb.  And I am fully #TeamSeb ! This man needs his own story and HEA explored. It would be cruel not to.  Can we make that happen?

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