My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Final Score - 4.5 Stars!
I've been reading a lot of the previously posted reviews for this book. Some nearly scared me away from reading this book, but I persevered. I have to say, a lot of the commentary was spot on, but others were way off based.
Whitney was a wonderful side character to take on raising two teens as a solo parent. My hat is off to her. She definitely is the MVP of this story.
Now for my POV about Halley & Reed: There was nothing that screamed at me that any part of the relationship that unfolded between them was incredious or unrealistic. The age difference did give me pause, however. 17 yrs is a lot of difference, but after reading Halley's backstory and understanding it (as I am victim of domestic abuse as well), I got where she was coming from. Reed as well didn't have a great childhood either. Trauma forces you to either grow up real fast, or forever be the scared kid being abused.
I did not find their love to be instantaous either, but a rather slow-burn denial that just couldn't be denied any longer. Reed as the adult knew where this could lead. Halley as the younger person thought she knew - but as we ALL know, hindsight is 20/20. Every teen thinks they know everything but then reality smacks you hard in the face. I felt for each of them, Tara most of all.
I enjoyed this book and all it's flawed characters. The REAL villains are Halley's despicable parents. I don't care that we never found out what happened to her mother or heard from her father again after Reed's assault. They are insignificant. Parents who never deserved to be any child's caretaker.