My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Final Score - 4.5 Stars!
As with all things in the Stark World, I jumped at the chance to read the latest tie-in to the series and I have to say if this new series is any thing like the others have been ... we've got the makings of a PassionFlix series on our hands! Seriously, how can this not be turned into one, right? It's got it all - good looking, ultra alpha men, sassy and confident women who turn them on their heads, action, intrigue, and plenty of sexy times. Lord, the sexy times! *swoon* But I digress, let's get back to the review ...
Shattered With You, is the start of a new spin-off series, this time in the Stark Security world. In this world, is Quincy and Eliza story and but also their is a second chance story. See things didn't work out so well the first time around but somehow, someway, they were drawn back to one another and this time - neither one of them are going to let the other go. I adored these characters. Quincy or Quince at time did frustrate me with his reasons for leaving Eliza early on the first time around in their relationship but redeemed himself with the truth and the consequences of his actions. That man has strength of will and is a force to be reckoned with! Is it any wonder he found his equal in Eliza? Both of them have been through so much pain and suffering in their childhood and their innocence ripped away, yet they have come through it, as survivors.
I enjoyed the heck out this book and the cliffhanger ending has me anxious of the next book and where it will lead. I'm looking forward to more intrigue, more action, and of course - more sexy times as only J. Kenner can deliver!
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