My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Final Score - 5 OMGness Stars!!!
The second book in the Game On series, just as awesome, humorous, laughable, heartfelt, & sex-a-thon as it's predecessor. There wasn't ANYTHING I didn't love about this book. Not the characters, plot development, overall outcome.
Even though the epilogue made me want MORE, that's just because I'm greedy like that & I didn't want to say goodbye to Ivy or Grey just yet, much like how I felt after reading the first book. Of course, the couple that first brought me back (Anna & Drew make an appearance in this book as well), so I'm hoping this follows thru with the next book in the series.
Overall, I wasn't disappointed. Neither will anyone else who reads this. You'll laugh, you'll cry, YOU WILL BE TURNED THE HELL ON, but never will say... "Why the hell did I read that!"
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