Review: All Night Long

All Night Long All Night Long by J. Kenner
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Final Score - 4 Stars!

The latest in the Man of the Month series focuses on carefree Selma and uptight Easton.

Easton is an attorney who is vying for a Judge position an upcoming election. Selma owns her business. Not one to tied down for too long, her restlessness kicks in around the same time another company is looking to buy her business. Needing an attorney who will look out for her best interest and get her a good deal, she turns to Easton for help, but he’s not interested.

Seems that Easton and Selma have unfinished business with each other. The two had a one night stand years ago which they haven’t forgotten. Both want a repeat but not a relationship.

This was very short, very to the point and very hot! These two steam up the pages of this story.

I’m really enjoying this series, but was hoping for a bit more of Selma and Easton - I don’t think these two are quite done. Hopefully there will be a closure book coming at the end of the series which will catch us up on all the couples from the previous stories.

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